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14th China-UK Entrepreneurship Competition has been launched

The Business Network South Manchester member The Ying De Group are supporting the 14th entrepreneur’s competition

The Ying De Group are proud to announce the Launch of the 14th China-UK Entrepreneurship Competition and invite entrepreneurs to participate in the Competition. They will have chance to win £10,000 Cash prizes, Subsidized trip to China, £2 million of Incubator Investment or 6 months investment service.

First launched in 2006, the Competition was one of the “Prime Minister’s Initiative” projects in the UK, aiming to encourage new business ventures between China and the UK and is intended to simulate the real-world process of entrepreneurs soliciting start-up funds from early- stage investors and venture capital firms.

This year, the Competition is organised by the University of Surrey, co-organised by the University of Suffolk, UK International Innovation Centre (UKIIC Accelerator), China Innovation and Development Association (CIDA) UK, and supported by more than 10 organizations across China and the UK, including Huawei Student Developer Program (HSD). It focuses on 5 areas of technological innovation: smart city & smart manufacturing, APP development, medicare, materials & hardcore technology, AI & Blockchain, and sustainable development solutions.

This is an excellent opportunity for your entrepreneurs to apply their knowledge and business creativity to a real-world situation on an international stage. Besides cash prizes, winners will get more, including but not limited to incubator investment, HSD support, investment service, and entrepreneurship training.

To find out more contact
Frankie Zhu
Yingde Group Ltd
7th Floor, Peter House, Manchester, M1 5AN

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