Over 26 years experience in building meaningful connections to help your business flourish

A small business review can you see clearly?

Most small businesses start with an idea of a product or
service to sell with little thought given to the
paperwork and admin that comes with running a

Usually, the business owner does everything – sales, marketing,
accounts and admin and they create their own way of doing
things. This means admin systems and processes just “happen”
and although they may work, they probably take up time (how
many evenings have you stayed up late just to “finish the
paperwork”?), cost more than they should and in some
circumstances cause problems with the “everyday” business due
to lost files and emails, incorrect recording of data etc.
Sue from Chadwick’s Admin is offering a Business Admin Review
which will entail about an hour of discussion with you to find out
what currently happens (or doesn’t happen!) and what is already in
place. She will then provide a written report which will contain
recommendations on how to make your admin more efficient and
cost-effective. You can then either implement the
recommendations yourself or Sue will be able to assist in providing
the resources for you to make “late night paperwork” a thing of the

Chadwick Admin specialises in diary and email management and
organising desks and office spaces.

Edmondson's Professional Services Ltd trading as The Business Network South Manchester. Company No. 11301014.
Registered Office: 10 Broomfield Lane, Hale, Cheshire, WA15 9AQ. T 0161 503 5000
Copyright © Partners, Mr R Bennett and Mrs H Bennett (Trading as The Business Network) 1993-2025. All Rights Reserved - The Legal Information