Over 26 years experience in building meaningful connections to help your business flourish


Is there any value in a second-hand business?

Business Network members Alex and Paul Dodgshon explore the businesses operating in the second hand Read more

What is at the end of your jetty?

What is your solutions for your sales funnel drying up? Is there a boat coming Read more

How to get the best price when selling your business

Business Network members Alex and Paul Dodgshon take a look at getting the best price Read more

Key evidence of business value you might be throwing away

Business Network South Manchester members Alex and Paul Dodgshon in their latest blog take a Read more

Unlock Peace of Mind with Sinclair Law Solicitors’ Lasting Power of Attorney Services 🔒

Business Network South Manchester member Jobeth Coping-Barrett of Sinclair Law discusses Lasting Powers of Attorney. Read more

Why would companies outsource their Design & Marketing

In her latest blog Business Network South Manchester member Kate Fox takes a look at Read more

What is infrared heating?

In their latest blog Raswon EV look at this hot topic! Put simply Simply put Read more

Get a Free Will and answers to the most commonly asked questions

October is ‘Wills’ month and we are offering FREE Wills! All that we ask is Read more

Is your business a viable strategic acquisition?

Do you have an exit strategy? Will your business be in the right shape to Read more

Business Network Members Win Family Business Of The Year Award!

Last week it was announced that longstanding members of The Business Network South Manchester JCM Read more

Edmondson's Professional Services Ltd trading as The Business Network South Manchester. Company No. 11301014.
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