Over 26 years experience in building meaningful connections to help your business flourish

How are you going to make a splash in 2023?

We all start off with some resolutions for the New Year and probably by the end of January the majority have fallen by the way side!

One way of achieving your goals is to talk about them to make you accountable. So at The Business Network South Manchester we want to have 125 members by the end of the year and 90 members of our Chester group.

But how are we going to achieve those targets? Well social media works very well for us and our members are brilliant at recommending us to other businesses.

However, the majority of our members have joined because of the amount of networking we do over the year and being the visible hosts of the two networks. Networking for us has two objectives.

Firstly, to meet business owners to introduce them to the benefits of the two groups.

Secondly, to meet businesses who will be good introductions to our members. So often we speak to directors who we realise could be clients or suppliers to our members. If they join the network even better but if and introduction serves as a benefit to one of our members it has been worthwhile attending.

Effective networking will help your business as it has done for our. So how do you become a successful networker? Well this brings us onto a personal goal for one of our hosts Simon Edmondson. Simon wants to give a number of talks across the UK to help business owners, directors, BDMs etc become effective networkers and his first is in Manchester this month.

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Edmondson's Professional Services Ltd trading as The Business Network South Manchester. Company No. 11301014.
Registered Office: 10 Broomfield Lane, Hale, Cheshire, WA15 9AQ. T 0161 503 5000
Copyright © Partners, Mr R Bennett and Mrs H Bennett (Trading as The Business Network) 1993-2025. All Rights Reserved - The Legal Information